Personal Portfolio Website

(Still Improving)

Personal Portfolio Website Screenshot


Welcome to my personal portfolio website project details page ! This website I build from scratch. This website is a showcase of my skills and experience as a freshers developer. It features an about me section, where you can learn more about my background and what drives me as a developer.

The website also includes a project section, where you can view some of my past projects and the technologies I used to build them. I have included detailed descriptions of each project, as well as links to the live websites or GitHub repositories.

I have also included a blog section, where I share my thoughts and the projects I am working on. I hope you enjoy exploring my personal portfolio website. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or would like to work together.

Technology Used


What did I learn ?

While developing my portfolio website, I had the opportunity to learn and practice a variety of new skills. Some of the things I learned include:

[HTML, CSS, Basic JavaScript, Boostrap Github, Search Engine Optimaztion (SEO), Gain some basic idea about Design Development Tool like VS Code, Domain Configuration & Hosting, Image Optimization]

I also learned the importance of having a clear vision and plan for the website, and the value of prototyping and testing different design and layout options before settling on a final version. Building a portfolio website involves juggling multiple tasks. Overall, developing my portfolio website was a challenging but rewarding experience that allowed me to grow as a developer and showcase my skills and abilities to the world.