Update Timeline

October-November 2023 (Upcoming Update)
  • Rebuild the portfolio website using React/Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and deploy it on Vercel.
  • Update the blog page to a separate web app aimed to be built with React/Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Markdown/CMS/Database integration.
  • Sept 2023
  • Project Details Pages was removed with Modal functionality.
  • Aug 2023 (Updated)
  • Update Image Gallary blog page with new updated images.
  • May 2023
  • Change the design of the Project Card.
  • April 2023
  • Remove and update the Image Gallary blog page with all new optimize CDN images.
  • March 2023
  • Change some content on the website.
  • Feb 2023
  • Add AOS (Animate On Scroll) effects to the pages.
  • Nov 2022 - Jan 2023
  • The first Portfolio v1.0 project has been built and deployed on the server with a custom domain name. It was constructed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and optimized for SEO.

  • Page last update on 5 Sept 2023.